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symmetry properties中文是什么意思

用"symmetry properties"造句"symmetry properties"怎么读"symmetry properties" in a sentence


  • 对称性


  • Symmetry properties of theme image in light in august
  • An example of using symmetry property and the equation groups solving the determinant
  • The general formulation of pti , the substructure method of pti , and the proof of symmetry property of matrix exponential in pti are proposed
  • The symmetry properties of the optical coherence with respect to the detuning of the light frequency from resonance show up in specific symmetries of the spectra
  • They have a number of desirable properties not possessed by wavelets of daubechies type , namely : they have symmetry property ; the scaling function and physical space representation are identical ; expansion coefficients are easily computed ; in certain respects they are more accurate ; the functions ( but not their derivatives ) can be computed without solving an eigenproblem . the price to be paid for these advantages is the loss of orthogonality , interpolating wavelets are only biorthogonal
    本文主要的研究成果是把一维的某些结论推广到高维,分为以下四个方面: ( 1 )使用二元拉格朗日插值法构造二元尺度函数和小波函数,使其具有紧支性、对称性以及函数展开式的系数易于计算等优点。唯一的缺陷是缺乏正交性。
  • It consists of several parts as follows : in the first part , after an introduction of basic theory and history of filter banks , an analysis of lattice structure filter banks is given . the requirements of perfect reconstruction and linear phase are discussed and some constrains of filter length and symmetry property are analyzed in details . besides , relative designing practice and examples are given
  • Starting from symmetry properties of equation and considering the variable - coefficient of the equation as a new dependent variable , a new general method to solve variable - coefficient equation is proposed . the solution of variable - coefficient equation can be expressed by an arbitrary solution of the corresponding constant - coefficient equation . taking schridinger equation as a concrete example , the method is recommended in detail
  • ( 3 ) various digital image - processing techniques for suppression of undesired components and enhancement of quality in numerical reconstruction images are considered , such as hologram contrast - enhancement , hro subtraction , mean value subtraction , frequency domain filtering and spectrum expansion with conjugation symmetry property
    ( 3 )从理论和实验两方面分析了全息图对比度增强、平均值相减、 hro 、频谱滤波等数字图像处理技术,及其在消除全息图衍射0级和孪生像,提高数值再现像信噪比方面的作用。
用"symmetry properties"造句  
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